Sunday 9 February 2014

Educational Argumentative Reality

I've been searching for top educational AR app's, and so far i have found some interesting app's that are FREE to download at this current time.  I have uploaded the targets you need to use these apps in this blog, so you don't have to print them out if you don't want to.

The Brain AR App By Harmony Internet Limited

The app lets you explore the layers of the head from skin, muscle and skeleton down to the inner areas of the brain.
By using augmented reality (AR), the user gains an amazing insight into the tissues, structures and areas of the mind by moving the device around the special artwork provided.
You can choose to view the mind in AR or switch to a 3D mode within the device and rotate with your fingers.

Target for the brain ar app

Interactive Periodic Table of Elements By Popar
Popar® Interactive Periodic Table of Elements is an Augmented Reality interactive learning experience that digitally explores the science, origin, and application of the elements on the Periodic Table!

Target for periodic table ar app

Anatomy 4D by Augmented Dynamics

4D Anatomy allows viewers to understand and interact with complex information with unprecedented ease, speed, and depth. Visually stunning and completely interactive, augmented reality is the perfect vehicle for 21st century education. 
Target for Anatomy 4D

AR Liver Viewer By iSO-FORM, LLC

Download the app here:

AR Liver is a real-time 3D medical education and patient communication tool, featuring incredibly detailed anatomical models. It is a member of a series of apps developed specifically for the iPad 2 and the New iPad by a team of anatomists, certified medical illustrators, animators, and programmers using actual human CT imaging data, and the most accurate 3D modeling technology available.

AR Liver is appropriate for use by secondary students, undergraduate and graduate students, and medical professionals.

Full functionality of the app requires the downloading of a graphic known as a glyph that will be used during the Augmented Reality (AR) viewing experience.

Please visit to download the printable graphic necessary for the Augmented Reality function of this app.